ペルシャ絨毯が創る温もりの空間—階段踊り場の特別なギャラリー の詳細を表示

A warm space created by Persian carpets: A special gallery on the staircase landing

I thought about various places to display it,

Because there isn't much space,

I had no choice but to place it on the wall next to the landing on the second floor of the stairs.

Each of the three pieces has its own unique character, so if you ask me which one I like best, I can't really answer.

The only answer I can find is that I like them all.

I'm really pleased with myself and think that I made a great purchase (^ω^)!!

The warmth you feel when you reach the top of the second floor brightens your feet even more.

Until now, I had been hanging paintings all over the room without much thought, but by decorating with Persian carpets and changing the viewing angle and position, my thoughts have been renewed and I feel more at home.

I am extremely grateful and would like to thank you very much.

If there is a chance, I would like to participate again.

I will excuse myself here for today.

Comment from Golestan

Thank you very much for choosing Golestan. We are very happy to hear that after considering various options for where to display the carpet, you decided to place it next to the landing of the stairs. We are also very grateful that you were able to appreciate the individuality of each of the three pieces and that you have grown fond of each one.
We were delighted to hear that the carpet brought warmth and brightness to the moment you reached the top of the stairs to the second floor, further enriching the atmosphere of the entire space.
I am truly honored that Persian carpets have been able to provide new inspiration from angles and positions different from previous paintings.
We will continue to strive to add color to our customers' lives.
If there is another opportunity, we would be happy if you would participate again.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.