terms of service
terms of service
These terms and conditions apply to all users of GOLESTAN (hereinafter referred to as "this site").
This site is provided in accordance with these terms and conditions, and users must comply with these terms and conditions as well as any notes and rules of use that are posted separately on this site.
When you place an order, the purchase contract will be concluded when payment is received.
All products purchased from us are guaranteed against defects for 30 days from the date of delivery of your order. This warranty applies if GOLESTAN determines that the defect was caused by improper handling by the customer. The cause of damage will be determined by our carpet experts. In the event of a warranty claim, the customer will be responsible for all shipping costs.
The carpets we deliver are genuine, high-quality hand-woven carpets. Each order comes with a certificate of authenticity or a quality assurance certificate issued by the manufacturer.
You have a 7-day return policy. You can return your item any time within 7 days of receiving it. Please note that we will not accept any returns after that date. Please return the item in the same packaging as when you received it. You will be responsible for the shipping costs. For more information on returns, please see the "Returns" section below.
If you experience any issues with your delivery, such as incorrect product delivery, existing damage to the product, or incorrect product number, please contact customer service immediately. Please report within one week of receiving the product. Any reports filed after this date will be invalid.
If you do not receive your order or the product is returned to us, you will be responsible for the full cost of shipping and return shipping, plus a handling fee of approximately 6,000 yen. For special order items, you will be responsible for the full cost of the product and the full cost of shipping and return shipping.
If you find any damage to your item upon arrival, please report it to FedEx immediately. If damage occurred during delivery and is discovered at a later date, please contact the shipping company as soon as you notice the damage.
When using this site, any of the following acts are prohibited: Acts that violate or are likely to violate public order and morals or laws and regulations. Acts using this site in a commercial or profit-making manner. Acts that discriminate, slander, or threaten third parties, including this site, or acts that violate the privacy or human rights of third parties. Acts of reproducing, copying, or distributing information provided on this site. Acts that infringe or are likely to infringe the copyright, portrait right, trademark right, or other intellectual property rights of third parties, including this site. Acts that interfere with the operation of this site, regardless of the means, or acts that are likely to do so. Acts that damage the reputation and credibility of this site, or damage its credibility. Acts of unauthorized use of member IDs and passwords. Any other acts that this site deems inappropriate, regardless of the reason. In the event of a violation of any of the above items, this site may take necessary measures, such as discontinuing provision of this site, without prior notice to the violator.
Some of the linked websites are not under the control of this site, and this site is not responsible for the information, services, content, or changes or updates of the linked websites. Furthermore, this site is not responsible for any damage to the user's computer or surrounding environment that may occur as a result of the user accessing the linked website.
This site assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damages, liabilities, or inconveniences (including lost opportunities, lost profits, consequential damages, etc.) incurred by users as a result of using this site.
This site strives to provide reliable information, but does not guarantee the quality of the service in terms of the accuracy, safety, suitability, completeness, legality, timeliness, etc. of the information. Please use this site at your own risk.
All property rights to the information provided through this site, including text, images, audio, and video, belong to this site or the information provider, and are protected by copyright law, trademark law, design law, etc.
This site may change these terms and conditions at any time without notice.
If any changes are made to these terms and conditions, we will post such notice on this website. All users will be deemed to have accepted the changes once they have been displayed on this website for two weeks. However, in unforeseen circumstances, such as when there is a risk of causing disadvantage to third parties, the terms and conditions may be changed without waiting for the above period.
This site undergoes periodic maintenance work to provide a comfortable environment for using the site. Due to the implementation of maintenance work, there may be temporary suspension of services or slower response times.
The establishment, validity, performance and interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan. In the event of any dispute arising in relation to the services of this site or these Terms, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the court of first instance with exclusive jurisdiction.
If any matter not specified in these Terms and Conditions or any questions arise regarding these Terms and Conditions, the parties involved shall negotiate in good faith and endeavor to reach an amicable resolution.
The following are the terms and conditions for the use of the member services provided on this site. When registering as a member of this site, users agree to all of the provisions of the general terms and conditions set forth in the preceding paragraph as well as all of the provisions of these membership terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these terms and conditions").
This site consists of the provision of information to members through this site and email, as well as other associated services. Membership is free in principle (although some services may become chargeable in the future). The content of this site is subject to change from time to time in order to improve member services, but this site shall not be held liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by members as a result of changes to the content of this site.
A member as defined by this site is a person who accepts all of the provisions of the Terms of Use in the previous paragraph and all of these terms, completes the membership registration application procedure specified by this site, and is approved by this site. Members are considered to have accepted the contents of these terms at the time of registering personal information such as their email address.
Members may cancel their subscription to all or part of the member-only e-mail newsletter distributed by this site or change their preferred area for property notification e-mails at any time by using the methods specified by this site.
To register as a member, you must first agree to these terms and conditions and then submit the necessary information to the site in the manner specified by the site below. In order to provide the site, the site will issue an ID to identify individuals who have registered as members. The registered email address will be the ID.
The person who wishes to use this site must enter the information in the member registration fields themselves. Registration by proxy is not permitted under any circumstances.
Please register your own email address if you wish to use this site or if you are a member. Registration with a third party's email address is not permitted under any circumstances.
The person who wishes to use this site must enter the information in the member registration fields themselves. Registration by proxy is not permitted under any circumstances.
This site reserves the right to refuse the membership registration of any applicant who falls under any of the following items during the membership registration process. This site will not disclose the reason for refusing membership registration.
Furthermore, even after the membership registration process, if any of the following items are discovered, this site may suspend or cancel your current and future membership without notice, and may terminate all contracts based on these terms and conditions, and the other party shall not raise any objections to this.
This site will handle IDs and passwords in accordance with the site's personal information protection policy .
Members shall manage their own member IDs and passwords at their own risk. Member IDs and passwords may not be lent or transferred to third parties. Use should be limited to the member himself/herself. Furthermore, this site shall not be held liable for any damages arising from insufficient management of the above or from unauthorized use by a third party.
The information provided by members to this site of their own volition and responsibility when applying for membership and information regarding the members' use of this site will be registered in this site's database. The information registered in the database in this way will be owned by this site, and members agree that this information may be used for member services in accordance with this site's personal information protection policy and with due consideration given to the protection of personal information.
This site may disclose information about registered members, such as the number of members, statistical data, and comparison data between members and non-members. However, this information does not include any information that can identify individuals.
This site will properly manage the personal information of members to prevent leaks to third parties, etc. However, there are cases where personal information is provided or disclosed to companies entrusted with the work required for information processing, after entering into a confidentiality agreement.
If there are any changes to the information provided on this site when applying for membership, the member must promptly carry out the change procedures specified by this site. If a notice from this site does not arrive because the member does not carry out the change procedures, the member acknowledges in advance that the notice will be deemed to have arrived.
In order to communicate information, this site may contact members by sending messages such as emails specific to their account.
Member information may be provided to third parties when necessary for the performance of business by related parties of this site (delivery companies, retailers, department stores, specialty stores, etc.) in connection with the provision of membership services, in addition to cases stipulated in the privacy policy of this site. The privacy policy stipulated by this site is posted on this site.
If a Member wishes to cancel his/her membership, he/she must notify this Site in accordance with the procedures set out by this Site (such as the cancellation procedures on the cancellation screen on this Site), and his/her membership will be terminated once cancellation processing on this Site is completed.
In the following cases, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel a member's membership without prior notice to the member: If it is discovered that the member's registration details are false or if the member has violated these terms and conditions. If the site is unable to contact the member by email for a considerable period of time. If the site determines that the member's usage of the site is inappropriate.
If any of the following conditions apply, this site may suspend or terminate all or part of this site without prior notice to members.
If a member causes damage to a third party through the use of this site, the member shall resolve the matter at his/her own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any damage to this site. If a member causes damage to this site through an act that violates these terms of use or an illegal or fraudulent act, this site may claim damages from the member in question.
<Supplementary Provisions> These terms and conditions will come into effect on December 1, 2018.