宝物 額装でさらに魅力が際立つ—エスハギのペルシャ絨毯

Treasures: Framing Makes Persian Carpets Even More Appealing

Hello. It's been a while.
It's been unbearably hot every day, but would you like another serving?
The pink framed Esshagi from the other day is finished.
We considered various frames to ensure that they would fit between the wainscoting and the ceiling, and we were satisfied with the final result.
I could look at this design and color forever.
When I look closely at the details I discover many new things and it's really fun.
Once again, I am very grateful that you were so willing to listen to our request.
Also, the treasure has increased.
In the end, I was able to get a different color and I feel really happy and fulfilled. It's all thanks to Golestan.
Thank you so much for my beloved and precious carpet (^^)

Comment from Golestan

Thank you very much for sharing the photos. We are truly happy to see that you are using it with care. The countless small flowers and dozens of beautiful colors of Eshagi Studio's works are perfectly balanced with the frame, which is truly wonderful. The framed carpet is a priceless item that was completed by Persian and Japanese craftsmen working together, with a lot of sweat and hard work. We hope that you will use it for a long time and enjoy it in your daily life. We look forward to your continued support.