Customer testimonials

美しいので壁に飾ろうと額装専門業者に依頼しました。 の詳細を表示

Customer testimonials

It was so beautiful that I had it professionally framed to hang on the wall.

I visited the showroom and had the opportunity to see a lot of things. Thank you for your help. Initially, I was planning to put it in the entranceway, but since it was so beautiful, I asked a professional framing company to hang it on the wall. Because there is glass on the surface, it reflects light and does not take a beautiful photo, but I will send it to you for reference.

Customer testimonials

EntrancewayHigh ceiling wall hangingsPersian silk carpets

It was installed on the wall of the high ceiling at the entrance to the entrance. The morning sun shines in through the high east window. It was cloudy today, but I still managed to take some decent photos. I'll report it with a nighttime photo. I bought it for the first time at a store (although it's a different store (..)) during the day, and was fascinated when I actually touched it and talked about it, and when I searched for it after returning home, I saw this work by golestan, and it was my first purchase in one day!? Persian carpets are works of art. This piece also has an innovative design, and the more you look at it, the more you can sense the maker's passion, making you feel very enriched. It is truly called the "Tree of Life." I heard that it was an academic theme, but at first glance it looked like a dragon. I felt that the creator must be someone who loves weaving and is passionate about creating new and good things. From traditional designs to color combinations, the work is up to the creator. The possibilities of human beings are endless, just like a canvas. I had no idea there was such a deep world of Persian carpets... I think I'm going to be fascinated. I was lucky to be able to purchase a lovely carpet. thank you very much. Comment from GOLESTAN Thank you very much for your purchase and for sending us your wonderful photos and review. I think it's wonderful that you used the silk carpet as it is as a wall decoration without framing it, as it is light. I was impressed with how nicely the carpet was fixed, so please let me know the trick to it later! I understand that you were unsure where to hang it, but it will be on the high ceiling of the entrance hall, and every time you look up at its beauty, you will be able to relax and unwind. I think it has been placed in a really good location. I look forward to seeing you again. Thank you for your continued patronage.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 無事届いてゆっくり玄関に絨毯置いてみました

Customer testimonials

The Persian silk carpet arrived safely and I slowly placed it in the entrance.

Hello ♪ The carpet arrived safely and I slowly placed it in the entranceway. It's a very nice carpet! I am truly grateful that you showed me so many videos and I was able to purchase with confidence. I was also very grateful for the detailed answers to my questions and concerns. thank you I will send you a photo.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 玄関に敷いてみると前からそこにあったかのようにしっくりと馴染んでくれています。 の詳細を表示

Customer testimonials

When I laid the Persian silk carpet in the entranceway, it blended in so well that it seemed as if it had always been there.

A beautiful carpet just arrived. Thank you so much for your patience and advice in answering my questions regarding this purchase. My husband liked the carpet you first recommended, It was quickly booked up. After that, I bought a carpet that I had been interested in from the beginning. When I laid it in the entranceway, it blended in perfectly as if it had always been there. It's gorgeous, but calm, and just looking at it lifts my spirits. At this time of year, and also because of the distance, it is difficult for me to visit you. The videos I was able to watch on the website were very helpful. Next time I'll buy something my husband likes. Thank you again for your continued support.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 壁掛け ハンティング柄 の詳細を表示

Customer testimonials

Persian Silk Carpet Wall Hanging Hunting Pattern

Good morning. Amazing!!! It's so beautiful. ♡ Carpets can be so beautiful. Once again, I am extremely grateful for your kind and courteous service. thank you very much. I'm grateful for Golestan's good taste. If there is another opportunity, Thank you very much for your consideration. Comment from Golestan Thank you for choosing Golestan. We are very pleased to hear that you were impressed by the beauty of our carpets. Silk Persian carpets are characterized by their smooth texture and the beautiful shine they give off depending on the light, so we hope you will enjoy them for a long time to come. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude that you were satisfied with our service. We will continue to provide the best possible service while working closely with our customers. I would love to work with you again if the opportunity arises. Thank you very much for this opportunity.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク アルバル工房 ものすごくビビットな色使い

Customer testimonials

Persian carpet silk Albar Kobo Extremely vivid colors

hello. Today, I checked the carpet at my parents' house. The colors are extremely vivid. It is finer and more beautifully finished than the one I bought locally. I am very satisfied with this quality at this price. I would like to continue purchasing from you in the future if there are any good products available. thank you very much.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク ミルメヒディ工房 壁掛け

Customer testimonials

Persian Silk Carpets, Mirmehidi Workshop, Wall Hanging

Decorate your hallway with a beautiful Persian carpet to create a luxurious space where you can enjoy the soft feel of silk every day. You will be fascinated by the artistic design, which changes color depending on the angle you look at it from, and you will discover something new every time you look at it. You can also learn how to decorate your carpet neatly without framing it yourself. Enjoy the charm of Persian carpets, born of tradition and craftsmanship, for many years to come.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク ミルメヒディ工房 リビングと玄関マット の詳細を表示

Customer testimonials

Persian Silk Carpets by Mirmehidi Studio Living Room and Entrance Mats

thank you very much. I definitely want Rose too!! I will consult with you again.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク ジャムシディ工房 赤ちゃんの肌の様な触り心地、今まで見た事のない作品 の詳細を表示

Customer testimonials

Persian Silk Carpets from Jamshidi Studio A touch like baby's skin, a work never seen before

The item was received safely. I saw it the day before yesterday. I took a few photos. Thank you also for the receipt and certificate. Both pieces feel as soft as baby's skin and are like nothing I've ever seen before; I'm so impressed I can't even speak. I am happy to have come across such a genuine carpet. The more I look at the dome I inherited, the more I'm drawn to it. The fringe was beautifully woven and the pattern stood out. I couldn't tell from the photo. I will treasure it.
躍動感さえ伝わる素晴らしいペルシャ絨毯 ジャムシディ工房&アルバル工房

Customer testimonials

Amazing Persian carpets that convey a sense of movement Jamshidi Atelier & Albar Atelier

I looked at a Persian carpet for so long today that I nearly got a hole in it. It's amazing how I never get bored of looking at it. The scene doesn't change continuously. The pattern does not change. Persian carpets are truly amazing. This is a wonderful Persian carpet that even conveys a sense of dynamism. It will become a family heirloom. thank you very much.

Customer testimonials

Every detail of the animal's body is carefully woven into the design, giving it a sense of dynamism, and just looking at it will make you feel relaxed.

This is my third purchase and I am very satisfied with the product. The green color is wonderful and the hunting pattern is in great detail. In particular, the fine details of the animals' bodies are woven into the fabric, giving it a sense of dynamism, and just looking at it will soothe your soul. I would like to use it again. Although the photo is a bit dark, the beauty of the place cannot be fully conveyed in a photograph. thank you very much.
質感といい本当に滑らかで色柄共に素晴らしい ミルメヒディ工房

Customer testimonials

The texture is really smooth and the colors and patterns are wonderful.

Good evening. It's not quite done yet, but I've already started decorating the carpet. The way it's projected is a bit messy, so if it could be done more neatly, I will upload it to the internet. The texture is really smooth and the colors and patterns are wonderful ^ ^ I would like to use it for a long time and cherish it.

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