Customer testimonials

ペルシャ絨毯シルク 朝日に映えて、毎朝の出勤が楽しみ ミルメヒディ工房 花瓶柄

Customer testimonials

Persian silk carpet, shining in the morning sun, making it fun to go to work every morning, Mirmehidi Studio, Vase pattern

Regarding the famous product from the Milmehidi workshop that you gave us earlier, I ordered a wooden frame made entirely of acrylic from Shinjuku Sekaido. It arrived around the spring equinox. It shines in the morning sun and I look forward to going to work every morning. The cost of framing, including shipping, was 39,050 yen, which was cheaper than I expected.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 玄関が明るくなり、帰った時に素敵な気に入ったものをみて毎日癒されています の詳細を表示

Customer testimonials

Persian carpet silk The entrance has become brighter, and I feel healed every day when I come home and see my favorite things.

Thank you for the other day. The entrance has become brighter, and when I come home I feel comforted every day seeing all the lovely things I like ^_^ If you turn it around it's different again ^_^
ペルシャ絨毯シルク いつも眺められる場所に置き眺めば眺めるほど気分も明るくなります。

Customer testimonials

Persian Silk Carpet - Place it in a place where you can see it all the time, and the more you look at it, the brighter your mood will be.

I was given a beautiful carpet from the Mirmehidi workshop. It took me a while to find the pattern I wanted, but I was happy when I finally found something I liked. Last time I laid it out in the entranceway, but this time I decided to frame it and display it. Keep it somewhere you can see it all the time and the more you look at it, the brighter your mood will be.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク アンティーク家具 深い青色 ミルメヒディ工房

Customer testimonials

Persian carpet silk antique furniture deep blue Mirmehidi workshop

I laid it out right away. The deep blue color is lovely. thank you very much.
ペルシャ絨毯ウール 普段使いのバルーチ 個性が全く異なるせいか、違和感

Customer testimonials

Persian carpet wool Baluchi for everyday use It feels strange because the characteristics are completely different.

It's strange, but even if you put a regular Baluch very close to the curtain, Perhaps because their personalities are completely different, there is no sense of incongruity. (I've worn it so much that the fringe is starting to wear off. I think I'll fix it a little later.) Comment from Golestan Thank you very much for sharing your valuable story with us. The fact that a Baluchi carpet for everyday use does not look out of place even when placed extremely close to the curtains is proof that the carpet's individuality and charm blend perfectly into the room. I understand that the fringe is starting to wear down due to heavy use. This is also a sign that carpets are closely integrated into our customers' lives. I think it's very nice. We hope you will continue to enjoy your carpets.

Customer testimonials

The beauty of harmony woven by the "Tree of Life" motif: a fusion of Persian carpets and British design

The beauty of harmony created by Persian carpets and British design. Combined with curtains and wallpaper with the Tree of Life motif, this special piece blends beautifully into the space. By laying it at a distance, the sense of scale stands out, making it a high-quality interior. This is the artistic charm of Persian carpets.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 壁掛け 桜の生命の樹 の詳細を表示 ペルシャ絨毯シルク 壁掛け 桜の生命の樹

Customer testimonials

Persian Silk Carpet Wall Hanging Cherry Blossom Tree of Life

I made it into a tapestry. It feels really good. thank you very much.
姪っ子の部屋 ミルメヒディ工房 生命の樹 の詳細を表示 姪っ子の部屋 ミルメヒディ工房 生命の樹

Customer testimonials

My niece's room Mirmehidi Studio Tree of Life

Hello. It's been a while. As part of our big cleaning, we have repasted the torn shoji screens, so we are sending you a photo of the small version with the "Tree of Life" design. It was originally a 6-tatami mat multi-purpose Japanese room, but it has now been renovated and turned into a room for my niece, who is in the first year of junior high school. With the tokonoma alcove, sunken ceiling, nageshi (railed windows), and yukimi shoji (paper screens), from some angles it looks like a fairly traditional Japanese-style room. But as she is a preteen girl, her belongings are filled with TWICE, SUPREME, MILKFED, DISNEY, Ojamajo Doremi, cosmetics, etc. The carpet that was given to us naturally harmonizes with the "Japanese modern" style, the silk feels great under the feet, and is a big hit with my niece. When I told my niece that in Persia, girls of her age weave art and crafts like this to help with her dowry, it seemed to have some thought. I will continue with the end-of-year cleaning and plan to take another photo of the "Tree of Life" pattern. I hope everyone at GOLESTAN has a wonderful end of the year and a happy new year. Comment from Golestan Hello. It's been a while. Thank you for sending me the wonderful photo. I'm very happy to hear that the "Tree of Life" carpet blends in beautifully with the renovated Japanese-style room. A room that combines elements of traditional Japanese style with items that are typical of your teenage niece, it's sure to be a wonderful space. We are very pleased that you enjoyed the feel of silk on your feet and felt a cultural connection. We hope you have a wonderful New Year's holiday. Thank you for your continued support.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 想像以上に素敵で嬉しくなりました アルバル工房

Customer testimonials

Persian carpet silk It was more beautiful than I expected and I was very happy. Albar Kobo

The carpet arrived safely today. I quickly went to the front door. It was more wonderful than I expected and made me happy. This time, we had a wonderful opportunity. Thank you very much m(__)m.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク こんなに幸せな気持ちにさせてくれる ワルザネ工房 玄関マット 

Customer testimonials

Persian Carpet Silk - It makes me feel so happy - Warzaneh Studio Entrance Mat

Persian rugs are truly magnificent. It makes me feel so happy (!) Thank you very much (^^)
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 玄関にぴったりのサイズ ネット経由の注文 珍しいポロ柄

Customer testimonials

Persian silk carpet, perfect size for the entrance, ordered online, unique polo pattern

I received the product today. It was the perfect size for the entrance. I liked the old one, but the new one is brighter and a nice change of mood. Thank you very much.

Customer testimonials

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I touch is a Persian carpet, and when I go to sleep at night, the last thing I touch is a Persian carpet.

I've been filled with happiness since yesterday. It's a shame to lay it on the floor, but I enjoy the pleasant feeling it gives me in the morning. I'm going to work hard and go shopping again. Last night I asked a friend to come and see it because it was so beautiful. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Good evening. Sorry for the late photo. I'm so happy every day that I can't decide where to put it. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I touch is a Persian carpet, and when I go to sleep at night, the last thing I touch is a Persian carpet. It's a carpet. I find myself stroking it with my hands. Thank you so much for something so great.

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