Customer testimonials

ペルシャ絨毯シルク アルバル工房 ものすごくビビットな色使い

Customer testimonials

Persian carpet silk Albar Kobo Extremely vivid colors

hello. Today, I checked the carpet at my parents' house. The colors are extremely vivid. It is finer and more beautifully finished than the one I bought locally. I am very satisfied with this quality at this price. I would like to continue purchasing from you in the future if there are any good products available. thank you very much.
躍動感さえ伝わる素晴らしいペルシャ絨毯 ジャムシディ工房&アルバル工房

Customer testimonials

Amazing Persian carpets that convey a sense of movement Jamshidi Atelier & Albar Atelier

I looked at a Persian carpet for so long today that I nearly got a hole in it. It's amazing how I never get bored of looking at it. The scene doesn't change continuously. The pattern does not change. Persian carpets are truly amazing. This is a wonderful Persian carpet that even conveys a sense of dynamism. It will become a family heirloom. thank you very much.
ペルシャ絨毯シルク 想像以上に素敵で嬉しくなりました アルバル工房

Customer testimonials

Persian carpet silk It was more beautiful than I expected and I was very happy. Albar Kobo

The carpet arrived safely today. I quickly went to the front door. It was more wonderful than I expected and made me happy. This time, we had a wonderful opportunity. Thank you very much m(__)m.
一生大切にしたいペルシャ絨毯—職人の想いに感謝を込めて アルバル工房

Customer testimonials

Persian carpets to cherish for a lifetime - with gratitude to the craftsmen's passion Albar Kobo

The two Persian carpets we received this time are special items that we want to treasure and use forever. We can have fun by changing the carpets several times a year to refresh the atmosphere of the space. If you find a masterpiece that you think is amazing, please let us know. When that happens, we will come and welcome it with all our hearts. We are grateful for the carpets that the artisans have painstakingly woven, and we would like to use them for a long time to come, cherishing their feelings.

Customer testimonials

Moved by the beauty of the real thing—A special encounter with a Persian carpet Entrance mat

I was impressed by the beauty of this carpet, which exceeded my expectations and perfectly balanced its size, quality, and design. I was satisfied to be able to see in person the charms of the details that I had missed in the online catalog, and this has become a special memory. I look forward to framing it in the future and looking forward to finding a new one. I will continue to cherish the high-quality space that Persian carpets bring.

Customer testimonials

The richness and brilliance of Persian carpets—adding color to your life

Returning home after a job transfer, I once again realize the beauty of Persian carpets in my settled days. They have become a special presence in the entrance hall, welcoming visitors and adding a touch of glamour to the living room. They bring moisture and vitality to the space, making everyday life richer. I am grateful for the happy times I have spent with my Persian carpet, and will continue to cherish and use it.
職人の想いに感謝 一生大切にしたいペルシャ絨毯シルク の詳細を表示

Customer testimonials

Appreciating the craftsmen's passion: Persian silk carpets to cherish for a lifetime

Good evening. I will not let go of the two pieces I received this time. I will treasure it forever. However, I think it would be nice to replace the carpet a few times a year to freshen things up. So, if you come across a carpet that you think is amazing, please let us know. At that time, we will urgently summon Fukuzawa Sensei and head there. We appreciate your cooperation. It seems that the number of carpets that a Persian woman can make during her working life is limited. Wouldn't it make the creators sad if Japanese people were to take away the things that they have worked so hard to make, as long as they paid for them? I hope you will convey your gratitude to the person who made it. I am grateful for things and the people who make them.
