About Persian Carpets


About Persian Carpets

"Dried Cocoons": The Secrets of Traditional and Modern Techniques Behind the Beauty of Qum Silk Persian Carpets

This program explains the importance of "drying silk threads," which supports the beauty of the finest Qom silk Persian carpets. It introduces the drying process, which determines the luster and durability of silk threads, in detail, from traditional techniques to the latest drying methods. It also reveals the secrets of why this technique is essential to improving the quality of Persian carpets. ▶What is the role of dried cocoons in bringing out the beauty of silk? ▶ The conditions for high-quality silk suitable for Persian carpets from Qom ▶ The finest brilliance created by the evolution of traditional techniques and the latest technology

About Persian Carpets

Weaving the beauty of Qom silk Persian carpets | The secret of the finest silk threads made from silkworm eggs

Qom Silk The finest silk threads that underpin the beauty of Persian carpets are produced through a delicate process that begins with silkworm eggs. In this article, we take a closer look at the silkworm rearing process, the importance of the cocoon, and the amount of silk threads needed to weave one square meter of carpet. We uncover the secrets behind how Persian carpets achieve their unique luster and durability. ▶ The intricate process from silkworm eggs to cocoons and silk threads ▶ The amount of cocoons and threads needed to make 1 square meter of Qom silk Persian carpet ▶ The unique brilliance of Persian carpets born from the dedication of silkworm rearing
